Cold Glue - Tension Releasing
Course4.8 average rating (4 reviews)This 40 min. PDR training tutorial is about how to cold glue pulling, tension releasing, edge straightening and finishing. An action packed PDR repair you'll learn from.
Rapid Cold Glue Explained
Course5.0 average rating (2 reviews)Learn how "rapid cold glue pulling" can make you money in two ways. Myke goes over his cold glue technique how he charges and fixes dents like this. You'll be amazed of the value and insight this course has to offer.
Nissan Versa Fender Smash
Course5.0 average rating (1 review)Not all dents come out flawless. However, that always depends if your customer wants to pay for it. Learn some insight about customer needs and the full repair on this fender smash. Lots of good stuff in this one.
Fender Smash - Advance Student Repair
Course5.0 average rating (5 reviews)This is a 2 hour advanced fender smash. You'll see the whole darn, detailed process here. Bobby Six is already an experienced pdr tech but just wanted to sharpen up his finishing skills using the latest pdr tools and advice with Myke Toledo.
Big Dent Body Line Training (Student)
CourseCheck out what it's like to train with Myke Toledo as a new student. Big dent training is one of the last phases and it all comes together from week one to week four.
BMW Quarter Smash
Course5.0 average rating (2 reviews)A combination repair by using glue, keco k beam and releasing crowns with pushing.